The DFG-funded Cluster of Excellence "PhenoRob - Robotics and Phenotyping for Sustainable Crop Production" makes key research contributions to enable sustainable crop production using technology-driven approaches.
PhenoRobThe Lamarr Institute for Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence aims to create the future of European AI: Combining leading research with theoretical and hands-on experience, the institute develops high-performing, trustworthy, and sustainable AI solutions for robotics and beyond.
LamarrWomen in AI & Robotics is a Global network of experts and professionals in Artificial Intelligence & Robotics, working towards gender-inclusive, ethical, and responsible solutions that benefit society.
Women in RoboticsThe transdiscipilnary research area on Modelling is a transdisciplinary network addressing an open spectrum of topics within mathematics, computer sciences, quantitative economics, and application areas
TRA 1Transdisciplinary Research Area Innovation and Technology for Sustainable Futures aims to transcend classical disciplinary boundaries for the future.
TRA 6The best minds have been able to develop their potential at the University of Excellence in Bonn for over 200 years.
Uni Bonn